Not sure about you, but lately I’ve been reminded of a lot of the DARKNESS that surrounds us in the world today. Terror attacks, meaningless murders, natural disasters, planes falling from the sky; the list goes on and on. It’s easy to feel a sense of hopelessness...
positive thinking
Where are you going tomorrow?
You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen Ever wonder where you’re ‘going’? Just take a minute and review what you’ve been thinking about? If you’ve been thinking about progressive,...
More on our mental diet
If we are like sponges, absorbing any billboard, magazine, movie, song, book, and so on, we’ll naturally take in a lot of deception along the way. That may sound like an overreaction to media influences, but the course of many lives has been influenced by such casual...
You are what you think
Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day - Ralph Waldo Emerson So if you are one to say ‘Life sucks’ then I guess that means you’re focusing on some pretty ‘sucky’ thoughts…lol J I say that with a smile because that statement sounds funny (to...
I can tell what’s on your mind…..
The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thought - John Locke Hummmmm, so you think your thoughts are your own personal and private affairs??!?! Well truth is… they aren’t. Its funny how so many times people reveal their ‘true’ colors by their...
Your Mental Diet
The question today: What does your Mental Diet consist of? What are you filling up on everyday to keep you in the best frame of mind? Do the things you focus on in life keep you in an upbeat and motivated mood, or do the things you think about leave you feeling...
Had any good thoughts lately?!?!?
The best changes often start as single, simple thoughts. Think big, and discover how to make your dreams real. - Not sure who wrote this quote... but it’s a good one!!! Very short and sweet post today.... Just asking you the question: What single simple...
We are what we think!
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - Anonymous I find it so...
Personal Branding #6
Positive Outlook My final tip for improving your personal brand is having a positive outlook. Let’s face it; nobody likes being around a negative person, so it is VERY important for you to work on having a positive outlook if you want to develop, and improve your...
Think positive
Success in every aspect of life begins with a thought; so does failure. If you think you cannot do or attain something, chances are you will not be able to. Your mind has that much influence over your life – Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer It really does take some...