
by | Apr 12, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Psalm 118:24

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I know… I know… some days it seems like there really isn’t much to be thankful for.  But don’t believe the lie! There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, but if you aren’t being intentional and looking to acknowledge those things, they may likely go unnoticed.  Or maybe what stops us from having a grateful heart is the fact that many times we take for granted the things that we should be thankful for; such as:

–          Our health

–          The breath we are breathing

–          Soundness of mind (the ability to reason/recognize what is going on in life)

–          Having a job, food, clothes, shelter

–          Having family, friends, and people in our lives who care

–          Being able to work at improving our lives

–          Living in a country that affords us so much freedom

–          Having a God who cares about us and helps us each and every day

Those are just a few things that I’ve listed, and truly if we took the time to examine our lives carefully the list would go on and on.  Unfortunately though, many people miss out on appreciating and celebrating all they have in their lives which results in their inability to grow in gratefulness.

Having a heart that is grateful helps put life into perspective; it helps make life a lot lighter, and increases ones sense of joy. Being grateful for the blessings in our life also helps us be better equipped to deal with the difficulties/challenges we face in life. But first we must begin looking at our attitude.  If we don’t WANT to see what’s working well in our lives then we WON’T see the things that we can be thankful for.

The truth is, being ungrateful leads to a very negative and undesirable life, and today I want to remind each reader that you’ve got a choice to make each and every day.  You can choose to look at the negative, or choose to look for, celebrate, and be thankful for what IS working well in your life.  Making that choice will only help life become lighter and brighter, so why not start living THAT life today?


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