Thanking God for 5 years of marriage to my VERY BEST friend …. Thank you Mr. Miller for all the laughter, jokes , and fun… I love my life with you… you’re an awesome husband… a SUPER SUPER DAD lol… and your unconditional love and patience has allowed me to grow into being a wife and mother I can feel proud about…. Mi Love Yuh, Mi Love Yuh, Mi Loooob Yuh Mista Millah….. Happy Anniversary… Colleen <3 Leroy 4 Ever!!!! 🙂
Setting Your Own Pace For Your Success
We’re in the end of February, but for many we still recognize that this is still the opening months of 2024. As we think about the year ahead, it's natural to feel the pressure to have hit the ground running, to tackle our goals with fervor and determination. However,...