Can’t believe the month is almost over….

by | Jan 24, 2011 | Goal Setting | 0 comments

The last week of the first month of the year can be a great time to re-evaluate goals you’ve set for the year, and check in on yourself to see if you are still focused on achieving what you’ve set out/committed to do.  It is important to think regularly about the goals/dreams/aspirations you would like to accomplish in 2011 if you are SERIOUS about getting them done.

Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself to help stay on task of accomplishing your goals:

  • What goal(s) am I working on for this year?
  • When would I like to see my goal(s) accomplished?
  • What have I done this month to get me one step closer to accomplishing my goal(s)?
  • What roadblocks/distractions got in the way of doing what I should have done this month?
  • What do I need to do to avoid those roadblocks/distractions next month?
  • What do I need to do tomorrow, next week, and next month (answer all) to get one step closer to achieving my goal(s)?
  • What is one thing I am committing myself to doing that is listed above?

Reading this list and thinking about your answers is good, but won’t be helpful if you don’t write the answers down and continue to check on your progress regularly.

Having a dream and setting a goal is something anybody can do.  Getting the task done and seeing your dream come alive is something only YOU can do, and it starts with DOING something today!  Now go do what you know you need to do! …lol

God Bless,


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