Taking a retrospective look within

by | Feb 10, 2013 | BS4W | 0 comments


This was the focus of our Feb 9th BS4W Bible Study.  We looked at Chapter one of The Power of a Praying Wife as a guide and reflected on the insights shared by author Stormie Omartian.

We discussed the importance of asking God for a pure heart, so that the prayers for our husbands come from a ‘pure’ place vs. coming out of our frustration, hurt, and resentment. Psalm 51:10

We examined the truth around how God needs to change us first, and we were encouraged to focus on going with God to the ‘mirror’ for Him to show us what He is working on in us, instead of us focusing on the ‘laundry list’ of things we want changed in our husbands. Psalm 66:18

We talked about how to accept the fact that NOTHING we do can ‘force’ change to happen in our husbands, but instead we were encouraged to focus our efforts on praying for God to do in our husbands what HE is wanting done (FULL STOP!!!) 🙂  Ecclesiastes 3:14

We shared how difficult it is to ‘die to self’ in marriage in order for God to create in us something new, and bring our union to a different level that we could ever attain on our own. Matthew 10:39

And finally we were reminded of where we can find HOPE, and were challenged to set our expectations upon God instead of man. Psalm 62:5

Reflection Questions for this week were:

  1. Where did your ‘expectations’ for marriage come from (family, media, and scripture?)
  2. What expectations about marriage/your husband do you realize you have to let go of?
  3. How do you allow God to examine your heart? (what is your process)
  4. What do you do with the unpleasant ‘stuff’ God reveals to you about yourself?
  5. Psalm 51:10 – What does that scripture mean to you? What would it look like for God to create in you a ‘clean’ heart, and renew a ‘right’ spirit within you?

The next BS4W meeting will be on Saturday February 23, 2013, and we will be focusing on Chapter 4 of the book: Real Marriage: the truth about sex, friendship & life together by: Mark & Grace Driscoll.  It is not necessary for you to read the chapter/book, but for those who want to, go right ahead as this will enhance our discussion that much more!

Looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks


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