Not making time for me and God mistake #1

by | Jul 25, 2011 | Random | 0 comments

When my day is heading down south I sometimes will ask myself… ‘ok Colleen… is there something you could have done to avoid what you are struggling with right now?’  And many times upon reflecting over a ‘not that great’ or even ‘hooorrible’ day… I realize that during the craziness of my day I didn’t stop to make any time for me and God. 

When I say time for me and God I am referring to time that I use to pray, or worship… or just be in His presence… acknowledging and appreciating all of what makes God amazing.

Many times it really does take sacrifice to carve out time for God and me, but it’s the BEST investment I can make into any day.  I always feel so happy after a time in prayer or reflection on God, and it really does set the tone for the rest of my day.

Take today for example.  I was right at the point of throwing my brand new blender out the window and then calling my husband to yell at him for braking it… when I was reminded (I just loooooooove that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit) about my prayer earlier on that morning where I asked God for more patience.  At that moment I was able to stop and say a small prayer asking God to give me the wisdom to figure out what was wrong… and not get so worked up about all of what my hubby did or didn’t do, and before I knew it the problem was resolved I was able to make my strawberry/banana smoothy and eat my lunch with peace in my heart knowing I didn’t loose my temper and behave in a way that I would later regret.  Then by the time my husband came home I told him about the situation and instead of it leading into an argument we both laughed about how easily I can get worked up about certain things.

I know that my time with God this morning was an integral part of what helped me exercise self control, and allowed me to grow a little more in patience today.   

Instead of thinking about how little time we have in our day for God we need to change our focus to acknowledge how every aspect of our day is possible BECAUSE of God and making time for Him allows us to appreciate all the Blessings He has in store for us each and every day


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