Change is A LOT harder than it first seems…
Yes… this is the intro line to my confession that I’ve had a rough few days with my eating… 🙁
I guess having this ‘biggest loser’ competition extended a second time has really negatively influenced my motivation to stay on point with my eating… which I HAVE to take responsibility for because no one is forcing me to be making bad choices.
So… I’ve confessed my ‘defeat’ over the past few days… now what?!? Well my plan is to start again tomorrow and re-visit the things that have worked for me in the past, see which of those things I’ve stopped doing and re-implement them starting tomorrow.
My plan for tomorrow:
– Wake up and begin my day with a jog (working out first think ALWAYS starts my day off on a good foot)
– Bring lunch with me to work….
– Have enough healthy snacks to last me throughout my day… and
– Cut off my eating by 8pm. (I would normally try for 7pm but tomorrow is a VERY long day, so I’m trying to be mindful of that)
And as my 2 and a half year old son says… ‘That’s the plan!!’