Today I’ve been thinking about something I read in Joyce Meyer’s book – Power Thoughts “Success begins with a thought”. I find that statement very motivating! I believe that getting to day 18 of the Daniel Fast has come with the practice of thinking and believing...
Day 17 – Daniel Fast
Wow... I’m at day 17 and still hangin in! I’m thanking God for the faith, grace, and the strength! The past few days have been ok. The struggle continues however NOT with the same passion with which it hit me on day 13 lol... so I’m very thankful for this. I guess...
Day 16 – Daniel Fast
Psalm 91 1HE WHO [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him...
Day 15 – Daniel Fast
Ok, very brief post tonight. Just checkin in... and checkin out... I committed to writing a blog a day for 2011, and again just like last week (on the weekend) I almost forgot. I've really got to implement something that will help me MAKE SURE I don't miss! I'm not...
Day 13 – Daniel Fast
It's 3:30pm on day 13 and the STRUGGLE IS ON!!! I was diving home from a meeting this afternoon, and I saw a man in the car beside me sipping ever so gracefully on his Tim Horton’s beverage (I imagined it was a large tea, 3 sugars and 2 milks... just how I like it)...
Day 12 – Daniel Fast
So things aren't getting any easier!! Thought by now I'd have the swing of things, and not be craving all the food I have restricted myself from having on the fast.... BUT NO!!! The cravings are still here! Alive and well! Is it frustrating? Yes, but should it be...
Day 9 – Daniel Fast
So I'm stuck at the office, and forgot my dinner in my car, and my husband wont't be back till 9:30. AAAAAAARGH!!! It's after 8 and my last meal was at around 3... and I feel like I'm starving... HELP!!
Day 8 – Daniel Fast
Woo whooo!! I made it a week and 1 day! THANK GOD! Still feeling great, but for a moment today I actually forgot I was on the fast! I finished doing a very challenging task this afternoon, that took a lot of my energy, and once I was complete I thought to myself......