How many times do you have to fail or struggle at something before you know it’s time to give up and focus on something else? To that I’d say... Never give up! So many times after much hard work we struggle hoping to see success, and when this doesn’t happen it can...
Goal Setting
Where are you going tomorrow?
You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen Ever wonder where you’re ‘going’? Just take a minute and review what you’ve been thinking about? If you’ve been thinking about progressive,...
So… what are you spending YOUR time doing?
So… what are you spending YOUR time doing? Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of — Benjamin Franklin I hate feeling like I’m running against the clock… or fighting a war with time… but lets’ face it, in this fast...
Who’s that CRAZY FAN?!?!?!
So I like this idea of allowing the athletes we see scoring all the goals/winning the gold medals to motivate us in our personal lives, so I’m going to keep talking about that today. So… truth is I’m really NOT into sports… AT ALL!!! However at the gym they always...
When is the last time you felt like that?
When I look at an athlete who has just scored the winning goal, or has just crossed the finish line, the look I generally see is one of excitement… zeal… ecstasy… and pride (the good kind). I was thinking about this the other day as I running on the treadmill, and I...
Had any good thoughts lately?!?!?
The best changes often start as single, simple thoughts. Think big, and discover how to make your dreams real. - Not sure who wrote this quote... but it’s a good one!!! Very short and sweet post today.... Just asking you the question: What single simple...
My first miss…. 🙁
Oh wow.... I missed my first day for 2011. I committed to write a blog a day for 2011 and today (well technically it’s yesterday) was my the 1st day that I missed L It’s 12:03am on March 17th as I write this, and I have a sad face on right now... lol. I felt so proud...
27 days of fitness
So... today marks day 27! Day 27 of WHAT you ask?!?! Well some of the ladies who I did the Daniel Fast with at my church suggested we continue working on our physical health after we completed the fast. We committed to doing 21 days of fitness (going to the gym, or...
How’s your attitude affecting you?
“Our attitude towards unpleasant things is a vital part of going through them successfully.” – Joyce Meyers from her book: Power Thoughts Have you ever considered the value in going through unpleasant experiences? I have come to learn that with life, comes...
We are what we think!
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - Anonymous I find it so...