Empowerment & Encouragement

Act now

The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something. Carl Sandburg As long as you wake up and find yourself blessed with another day, then there is SOMETHING that you should be doing with the breath you’ve been given. Feeling like you have a sense of...

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Just be yourself

Don’t be afraid or hesitant to be yourself.  The people who really DO matter... or in other words the people who SHOULD matter to you won’t have an issue with you being yourself.  If you realize that someone you ‘hoped’ or ‘expected’ to appreciate you does not, then...

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Oh Give Thanks…

Oh Give Thanks unto the Lord... There are just TOO many things to be thankful to God about... I can’t even begin to count aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the ways... Just a quick little note to remind you to be thankful... just take a moment and think about what you...

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ABC’s of Colleen

So I was daydreaming in the car the other day (which is something I do a lot), and I began to think about words that I want to represent who I am and who I am striving to be.  Then the idea of ‘The ABC’s of Colleen’ came to my mind.  So I thought I’d share what I came...

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